Because I am as cuddly as a nice fluffy pet with this beard of mine, I've been asked to come along to the
Modelling the Railways of Queensland Convention this weekend, and to bring my modules showing a few ways to build the scenery bases for your layout. This sort of thing:
So whilst I was in the garage (note that I said garage and not my shed - some would say something about a clothesline at this mention, but I wont - hey Scooter) getting out the modules. I of course got side tracked.
At the fortnightly "Toosdy Niters" get together, this time at Dr Peters' place, Mr Mutton Bird (Arthur is an expert I hear in modelling this type of avian creature) brought along a pile of spare 12 mm bogies he had lying around suitable for the Southern Models HO scale VAK Coal Hoppers that Scooter and I had obtained a little while back that had come with 16.5mm bogies and hence not suitable for our QR trackage.
So whilst I was in the train mood, and it was before beer o'clock, I made use of these new bogies and installed them onto the four wagons I had. I hear Scooter in the back of my mind thinking "simple job for a simple fella" - all I can say to this echo is... How's it like to go to work every day? hehehe.
Anywho, so once I did this I got the modules out from under all the stored other items and cleaned them up ready for the show on Saturday. I then decided to take a few photos of the VAK's and a brand new wagon I had acquired by swapping a HWO QR wagon I had for a nice new NPAX from SDS. The detailing is fantastic on this Calcium Oxide wagon. Thanks for the swap Scooter.
Once I took the shots I thought I'd play with he Helicon Focus software I have for stacking photos and getting a better depth of field. A bit of adjusting and they come out pretty good for a quick few shots with the mobile phone. Here is one of the newly re-bogied VAK's on one of my demo modules:
And here is the nice new NPAX wagon ready to run behind a NSWGR loco :-)
Oh, and here are some shots of one of the many, many great scenes on Dr Peter's NSW based layout. What a great Aussi scene and detail work:
Now to get back to "work" and assemble a new 5 tier rack to store the trains on.