Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Day of the Convention

After a partially sleepless night it was time. Time for the Model Railways for a Day convention.

So I loaded up the car with all the bits I needed for my talk and display as well as the modules Craig and I made the other day for all the punters heading to the convention. No room left for passengers, that's for sure.

We had all sorts of talks happening during the day as well as displays and discussions. Soldering, scenery, making trees, making dunnies (Scooter is good and making dunnies), research, spray painting, DCC, Ops, track laying, ballasting, static grass  and much more. It was a very full day for all.

Jim was there to show and talk about buildings and what great buildings he makes - master building this chappie.

Scooter, I mean Craig, was there showing building with styrene and ensuring everyone got a dunnie to build.

I was in the middle of the mix with baseboards for scenery and got to show off the various methods with my dioramas I built during the week.

Everyone got to take a diorama base of foam home with them to practice what they learnt.

Geoff was doing track laying and giving out some very good info - even I learnt something from him.

Kerrie was talking about making trees and wow, some of these the attendees were making after Kerrie show how, were great. Backdrops were also a specialty she was talking about.

Bob was there showing how to spray paint - he's good that fella is.

Ken was doing ballasting, always a wanted skill.

And you know what, I damn well forgot to get any shots of Martyn who was doing the DCC talks, Brendan who was doing Soldering as well as Arthur who did Operations as well as Making it Real and of course our Research King Mr Mewes.

I think I got everyone and I do know that the attendees did garner a great range of knowledge on the day and enjoyed themselves very much including we lecturers.

I'll leave you here with a view of Scooter yacking away in front of a rapt crowd.

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