Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Short and Sweet

OK, after a hiatus of 12 months of basically sitting on my fat ar$e and doing nothing about my own layout (but still working on the club one of course), I have started preparations for getting rid of the old shed so I can get final signoff on the new one and therefore be able to start using it!

Step one was the fixing of the locks on my roller doors on the garage so I could put valuables in there. Well, the Locksmith has now come, worked and gone today. Garage is lockable again and I have moved some more gear in there.

Step two is to get the services to the old shed removed. Well, I've just made the appointment with the Plumber and he'll send his bloke around this Friday morning to cap the water in and the water out of the old shed.

Then there is the sparky to arrange and the demolition crew - all in due course. But at least I've started progress again.

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