Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Another Mountain Grows

Today there weren't too many members down at the club due to the wet weather around Brisbane. So a perfect opportunity to make it grow - the mountain that is.

So out with a pile more blue foam and carving it up and gluing it together to make the mountain grow. I am building it in three piece for now until I am ready to make it one piece, yet still removable until such time as all work is done and it can be tack glued into place.

While I was making mountains from foam, Bruce Harper was at it replacing a few points or at least rejigging them so there were no kinks. It was the pair of curved points on the mainline at the back right of the yard giving grief, so this realignment should help a lot.

Oh and John B has been busy and cut the other skyboard off the other peninsula and inserted a round hole where the square access hole used to be.

And a long weekend starts on Friday.... So I might get down to the club for at least 2 days this weekend :o)

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